• 我们接受与当前主题相关的文学作品,体裁不限。请通过Submittable平台投稿。
  • 诗歌:每次投稿不超过5首诗。请将所有作品整合成一个文档投稿。非虚构/小说:不超过1500字(英文)或3000字(中文)。书面作品应以PDF或Microsoft Word格式提交。英文来稿建议采用Times New Roman 12号字体,双行间距。
  • 一人可投送多种体裁,每种题材限投稿一次。不接受已发表作品。请勿重复提交已被拒绝的作品。可一稿多投,但须明确说明。如作品被其他刊物录取,请及时通知我们。
  • 我们会仔细阅读所有来稿,并在截稿日期3个月内通知结果。
  • 录入年选的作品将以印刷及任何网络形式进行发表。在Accently上发表后,作品出版权归投稿者所有。作品后续出版须注明“首次发表于Accently”。来稿文责自负。如理由充分,Accently保留在任何阶段撤稿的权利。
  • 作品被录用后,作者将收到免费年选一本。

  • We accept all genres of literary work in English and Chinese as long as they relate to the current theme. Only work submitted through our Submittable account will be considered. In order to cover the cost of running the platform and our website, we charge $2 per submission. There is no submission fee for writers who are currently enrolled in programs.
  • For poetry submissions, you may send up to 5 poems. Your poems should be submitted together in one single file. For prose submissions, we encourage submissions of no more than 1500 words in English or 3000 words in Chinese. Written work should be in PDF or Microsoft Word format. While we don’t make it a strict rule, we encourage the size 12 Times New Roman double-spaced format.
  • You can submit to multiple genres, but only one entry per genre. Your work must be previously unpublished. Please do not re-submit a work that has already been declined. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, so long as they are classified as such and we are informed promptly if they are accepted elsewhere.
  • All submissions are read. The editors’ decision may not be correct but it is final. We aim to contact everyone within three months of the closing date.
  • Work published in the mook book may also be published on our online platforms including but not limited to our website and WeChat channel. Upon publication in Accently, publication rights of a work revert to its contributor. Any subsequent publications must acknowledge us, i.e. "First published in Accently." We reserve the right to remove the work of any contributor from print or digital circulation without warning or notification if presented with sufficient cause.
  • Contributors receive a copy of the mook book in which their work is featured.

We provide a wide range of services including literary consultation, book layout & design, merch design & production, printing & binding, and publishing & distribution. 


令你印象深刻的fusion food是什么?它和你之间有着怎样的故事?本期Open Call以“fusion”为主题,邀请你写下你和食物互相改变的个人史。我们期待你以食物为切口,直视你对身份、文化、环境、创作等等的理解和感受。来稿仅限文字作品,中英皆可。中文作品不超过2000字,英文作品不超过1000words。8月15日截止。优秀作品将有机会录入重音创刊号Accently: Arriving或重音社微信公众号(Accent Society)。

What is your most memorable fusion food? In this open call, we invite you to write down the epic of how you and what you eat change each other. We expect work that uses food as a lens to examine topics including but not limited to identity, culture, environment, and writing. Dazzle us with your work, which can be in either Chinese or English and should not exceed 2000 characters or 1000 words. Submit via Submittable by August 15. Accepted work will be published in the inaugural issue of Accently: Arriving or on our WeChat channel (Accent Society). 







Accent Accent